Monday, August 1, 2011

georgia on my mind

Can you feel a hint of fall in the air? Have you wrapped up in a sweater or bought your first chai latte of the season?

Okay, neither have I, and I know it’s August 1st, but I caught my first whiff of fall today because…. Georgia football tickets went on sale!! My stomach did a little glory-to-ole-georgia dance when I opened my ticket registration email and look at the fall schedule. I sat up straighter, grinned and looked around.

This was not the scene that met my eyes.

Amidst focused faces and furious typing, I realized no one in the office cares that tickets are on sale. I wanted to yell, “How ‘bout them dawgs!,” but I thought that might not bode well for me when I need references. And barking or humming “Glory, glory to ole Georgia” wouldn’t have been much better.

So I settled back down in my seat and went back to reading mom blogs. I’ve been bursting with excitement all day though. At least I can let a little bit of it out here.

woof woof!

*Note, this post originally said "glory, glory to all georgia" and Kaiti kindly changed my life and informed me that it's "ole"... I've been cheering it wrong all this time.

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