Wednesday, June 22, 2011

seventeen going on fifty

Yesterday a ton of other interns and I went to a Seventeen Magazine event to be the background crowd when it airs on MTV. Kylie and I almost left before it started, because we had work to do - but we stayed and I'm so glad we did.

The event was held for 5 real girls (as in not models or famous people) who are competing to be on the cover of Seventeen. Each girl gave a speech about why she should win, and each speech was more amazing than the one before.

These girls were 16 to 20 and they've accomplished so much. One was homeless and started her own fashion business, not to mention 2 trips to the White House to discuss the importance of entrepreneurial education with Obama. Another is in the running to be the first female Indy 500 racer.

I left with a cookies 'n cream cupcake in hand, inspired to work EXTRA hard at my emails and pitches and paperwork.

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