On Saturday Tatum and I explored the East Village and ate dinner at a barbeque place that reminded us of home. We left absolutely stuffed and decided to walk some of it off. We wandered through Chinatown, down Bleaker street, past boutiques in Soho, across Union Square and ended our trek in Chelsea.
After all that walking we bought some much-needed frozen yogurt at Pinkberry .

The next morning we went to church at Redeemer's westside location and loved it. Then we ate lunch and a homey, hole-in-the-wall breakfast place with delicious food and not so wonderful service. I can't remember the name, but I don't recommend stopping by.

Sunday night was my last evening with Brian and Jodey. I'm so excited to live on Jane Street, but the evening was bittersweet, because I have absolutely loved staying with B and J. They've been like parents away from home, and we have a wonderful week-night routine of appetizers, dog walking, dinner and New York movies.
We drank wine on the roof, and I took them to Nice Matin (a French restaurant in the neighborhood) to thank them for feeding and housing me for 3 weeks. I love them and their pets and I'm sure I'll be back on the upper west side soon!
(Jane Street is delightful by the way, and pictures are coming)
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