This weekend was FULL of studying, and my head is so full of communication law cases I think it might explode. But before I secluded myself at a coffee shop, Emily and I went to the Athens Indie Craftstravaganza...

A few times a year local artists set up booths in a parking lot downtown and sell jewelry, pottery, spices and all sorts of things. I bought some earrings from my friend Olivia, and Em bought this pretty vintage bow after I modeled it for her...

(Hopefully she'll let me borrow it, because it made my messy, not-that-clean hair look cute!)

We also got mother's day presents and ate the perfect pre-procrastation meal at Mama's Boy . I had my favorite breakfast in the world - a biscuit, coffee, cheese grits and goat cheese/veggie scrambler.

I just finished my last final this morning, and I'm headed home tomorrow! It's a little bittersweet, because I have to say goodbye to my roommates who are leaving for far away places like Paris and Nicaragua this summer.
Jonathan and I are headed to D.C. on Thursday to pick up my little brother from college, so get ready for lots of road trip pictures - cause I'll have many, many hours in the car to upload them.
Happy Summer!
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