That's the title of a paper I turned in yesterday morning, but it's also a fitting summary of my week. The past five days have been filled with intense stress and wonderful surprises. Yesterday I had to turn in a paper I started on Tuesday and give an hour long group presentation that counts for half my grade - thus the pain. The work load was daunting, so I did time in my favorite coffee shops, most notably Ike and Jane where I had a thin mint doughnut and chai latte.

I got home late Wednesday night anxious about the morning ahead and expecting to fall asleep in my disaster of a room. Literally - it was the messiest a room has ever been. But while I was studying, my roommate Brittany had cleaned up everything! She even swept and dusted.
The next morning, I furiously put the final touches on my paper and practiced my presentation, but when I got to class there was a note saying my teacher couldn't make it and the presentation would have to wait til Tuesday.
I walked out of Park Hall elated. My room was clean, my work was finished, the sun was shining and all I had to do was go home and celebrate Emily's 21st birthday!

Also, the most wonderful surprise of all was that Good Housekeeping offered me an internship in NYC this summer!
That title of that post should be "Pain and WonderFUL" because of how wonderful and smart my best cousin is and how she's going to rock her internship this summer!