At the beginning of this week I felt like I was starting a marathon of constant business. Instead of easing back into things after spring break, I had articles for work and big assignments for almost all of my classes. But after countless cups of late night Jittery Joe's coffee and early mornings spent at Walker's, I finally finished!
To celebrate the end of a stressful week, Britt, Sarah Beth, Emma and I went to dinner at White Tiger and it was so good! White Tiger is tucked away in the middle of a neighborhood, and on the outside it looks like a run-down shack. But next to the tiny old building there is a yard full of picnic tables where we ate delicious barbecue sandwiches with a twist. I had one with tofu, barbecue sauce and arugula cole slaw on it. I know it sounds weird, but loved it so much I would have had another after church today if I hadn't been out-voted!

After dinner Tatum joined us, and we all went to play pool at Magnolias. I say "play pool" loosely, because Sarah Beth and I didn't hit a single ball the whole time... but we had fun aiming and missing!

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