Friday, December 2, 2011

let's rewind for just a moment

Okay, I know this post is a bit belated, but better late than never right?
Here's our Morris family Thanksgiving before...

... and after we dug in.

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, because there's no pressure. I mean there's some pressure to make delicious food and set festive tables, but I kind of like those tasks. Christmas, Valentine's Day and birthdays all come with built up expectations. On Thanksgiving all you have to do is stuff your self, spend time with family and watch football.

Every year my mom lays out brown paper on the tables so that people can write what their thankful for.. or draw it if they feel so inclined. This year I stumbled upon a role of brown paper decorated with silverware. (I found it at Sophie's, the adorable store Jonathan's mom works at in Chattanooga.) I think people were a little confused about whether or not they could write on it, but it added the perfect extra touch to our tables!

P.S. I also have to say for anyone who's never been to my house - my mom is seriously the best cook in the entire world. She made almost the entire meal, and she even whipped up a special creme de menthe chocolate pie for me! Not very conventional, but she knows mint-chocolate is my favorite ;)

1 comment:

  1. hmmm... where have I heard that low-pressure-holidays-are-better reasoning before? Great minds...
