It doesn't take much to make me gush about coffee, but my (first) cup today was particularly gratifying. This morning I packed up my things and told Kaiti I was sure I had forgotten something, but with books, phone and Burt's Bees in sight I decided I was good to go.
I walked down my street with drooping eyes, and I even fell on top of someone on the bus because I was so caffeine deficient. (No, I wish I was kidding, but that really happened) Needless to say, my morning was not off to a wonderful start, but things looked brighter when I saw a short line at Jittery Joe's .
I ordered my coffee, looked on eagerly as they poured my cup and -
realized my wallet was at home. I guess chapstick isn't the most important thing in my purse ;) I told the barista I was sorry, but I would have to leave that piping hot cup... and then she gave it to me for free!! My whole morning turned around, partly because I got my fix and my eyes opened all the way, but mainly because little acts of kindness make me so happy.
So, the moral of this story is, give someone a free cup of coffee if they look sleepy, and read this NYTimes story that says women who drink 2 cups a day are less prone to depression... see I knew it was good for you!
Have I taught you nothing? Chapstick is definitely the most important thing in your purse.